Statement before the European Parliament hearing on "Spyware used in third countries and implications for EU foreign relations" · 2023-02-02 2 min PI Opening Statement at PEGA Hearing on "Spyware used in third countries and implications for EU foreign relations" Thank you very much for offering me the opportunity to give evidence before this Committee for another time on behalf of Privacy International (or PI) – a London-
Everyone going to the World Cup must have this app experts are now sounding the alarm · 2022-10-24 5 min Norwegian version – It's not my job to give travel advice, but personally I would never bring my mobile phone on a visit to Qatar. That's what NRK's head of security Øyvind Vasaasen says after a thorough review of the apps. Everyone travelling to Qatar during the football Worl
Etica Digitale ( · 2022-10-24 < 1 min Follow🇶🇦 Il #Qatar obbligherà a chi andrà a vedere i Mondiali di #calcio, a installare due applicazioni malevole sui loro telefoniLa prima applicazione è Ehteraz, già nota per essere quella usata dal governo per tracciare la diffusione del Covid-19, l'altra è Hayy
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